Goal 6

Drive national and international collaboration in research, technology, and innovation

Outcome: A stronger, more competitive Canada in discovery and innovation

Partnerships and collaboration are catalysts for scientific discovery and technological innovation. In fact, as science becomes more complex, true progress requires the combined talents and resources of multiple actors. To compete effectively on a global scale in discovery research and innovation, Canada must consolidate its expertise, facilities, and resources to build critical mass in strategic fields.

Since innovation can occur anywhere, deriving social and economic benefit from scientific breakthroughs depends on swift action and deep understanding. This can only be achieved if Canada is an integrated and valuable partner in international science collaborations. Building bridges of collaboration and cooperation is key to mobilizing knowledge and enhancing competitiveness.

TRIUMF operates in an ever-expanding network of academic, government, and industry partners across the country and around the world. As an internationally recognized brand for excellence, we are committed to harnessing the power of our connectivity to drive Canadian growth and prosperity.

We will achieve this goal by:

  • Leveraging our network to create new collaboration opportunities
  • Providing a gateway to international big science projects
  • Advancing international cooperation in science and research


Download our Five-Year Plan 2020-2025

Outcome: Extension of the frontiers of knowledge and global recognition of Canada’s contributions to discovery research